Friday, April 9, 2010

Twitter Update !

Nel Officially Changed his Twitter Username into Nel_gomez because he said he did that
for us to find his account more easily(i agreed) and than to his username he also change his Twitter Photo into this: take a look..
Catch vj nel on myx daily top ten every wednesday with vj robi and bianca
also watch him too on myx international top 20 with vj janine.

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Sunday, February 14, 2010


Send VJ Nel a text message today

Text MYX VJNEL & Send to 2366
Ex. MYX VJNEL Waddup VJ Nel! You're such a great dancer!

P2.50/Text for Globe, TM, Smart and Talk 'N Text Subscribers.
P2/Text for Sun Cellular Subscribers.

Name: Nelsito Gomez

Nickname: Nel

Birthday: June 30, 1990

Birthplace: Manila

Favorite Artist: Michael Jackson

Favorite Expression: "Waddup!"

Hobbies: Singing, Acting and Dancing

Shows: MIT20, MYX Daily Top 10, Pop MYX, Pinoy MYX, Club MYX


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new twitpic! Posted on February 14, 2010

Nel with Power Puff Girl, Robin(a), Ninja Turtle and Cat Woman at Texas Roadhouse Grill, V DAy 2010

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Monday, February 8, 2010

New Twitter photo and twitpic

My photo with the JABBAWOCKEEZ!!!!! I look like a huge fan (which I AM!)

Follow nel on twitter :
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Friday, February 5, 2010

Grand Opening of Nel-Sters !

heya VJ Nel Gomez fans,before i wil start this fansite.
i just want to say that i made this site because i love vj nel so much.
he was a inspiring vj for me.
he's asking if there's a nel fan too?( i knew there was many)
please join to me.,
In this site includes news about nel,photos,videos and other stuff
all about nel gomez.
i decided that this fansite should called"Nel-Sters"

come and join me to make this site grown..

thank you,


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Thursday, February 4, 2010